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Fatherhood Stories

The mission of the Washington Interagency Fatherhood Council is to promote fatherhood inclusion and equity by amplifying the voices of fathers in Washington State. With the role of the council to bring together a broad spectrum of fathers, public and private agencies, academics, and advocates to collectively raise awareness around the essential role of fathers; nurture a father-inclusive culture in our communities, agencies, and policies; develop leaders at all levels to carry messages, and welcome diverse cultures and experiences of fathers to drive change.

One of the four goals of the Washington Interagency Fatherhood Council is to promote positive fatherhood stories to increase awareness around the essential role of fathers. On this page, you will find positive fatherhood stories, told in the fathers' own words, and positive fatherhood videos of dads telling their stories themselves. 


Fatherhood Experiences Across Washington: Tony's Story


Fatherhood Video's

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